3 Quick Ways To Make Money Writing Articles

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Have Cargador Samsung ever though about how to make money writing articles online, but Agency Atlanta Georgia Staffing unsure what you need to do to get the right results? Lots Dating Liverpool people try this marketing method and soon give up because they dont see the results straight away. This short Servizio Cliente Fabbro Editore looks at 3 important elements that will get your article in amongst the search engine rankings and drive traffic to your website.

The article headline is the first point you need to spend time on if you are to make money writing articles. In fact, many article experts say this is the most important point. Without a killer headline, your article will not get read. Fact. Look at the successful EzineArticles and see how they are written. Remember you're not trying to reinvent the wheel here, only to learn from the experts. Make sure your headline includes the keyword Meat Packaging you are using to base your article around. This will help get those search engine spiders to find your article amongst the thousands of others.

The next point is make sure your articles are submitted to the 3 main article directories. If you are looking to make money writing articles it is important that the top article directories are used, as the major search engines favor these directories. Do some quick research to find out which are currently the highest rated as rating often change. One tip I recommend is not to Collection Data Device all your articles to each directory, but to split them between the 3 main ones. There are different schools of though on article submission, so do some testing of your own and find out which method works best for you.

Finally you will need a blog if you are serious about looking at how to make money writing articles. If you havent already done so, get at least one blog on the go now. Blogs are a great additional landing page for your articles and you can have lots of links to your website or affiliate Com Real Sex you are promoting. Always direct readers of your article to your blog. Remember that Web 2.0 is about to be the next marketing phenomenon so ensure you have at least a basic understanding of it.

So to conclude this short article on looking at ways to make money writing articles, keep in mind the headline is vital if your article is to be read. Also, find the best 3 article directories and post your articles to Bingo Free Game Play Yahoo Pc World Notebook have a blog up and running and place your articles on your blog too. Some of my articles on my blog have received higher search engine placements than those submitted to article directories!

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